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Nothing is easy.  On the trip up to the peak, our travel was interrupted by hundreds of sheep who apparently were doing their duty as undergrowth eliminators, or something like that.  They were in NO hurry to head up the hill and go to work. Guessing about a 15 minute entertaining delay.  
Just WOW what a beautiful day to visit a friend and sightsee from this magnificent perch.  Looking pretty much Northward with this view.
Jim (R) admiring the classy challenge coin Ken (L) had just given him.
Sal thanking Ken for the unique present he gave  us.
Ken listening to Jim explaining an antenna device he is being given by Jim to assist in making contacts on 20 meters.
The "invention" is being explained by Jim, what it does, where it goes, how it interacts with Ken's telescoping antenna.
Now work begins, the antenna goes up, the device goes on and the lead is sent to the Ham Shack
Well, time to try it out, the result is Complete SUCCESS, immediate contact is made with the new antenna and device, works perfectly.  OK work is over, time for a little lunch then time for the visitors to head back down the hill.  Fantastic Day - Fun - Camaraderie - Scenery - Success - Fellowship.  Don't get no better.  The lookout is open for visitors every day, but Tu-Wed-Thur are the best. 
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