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Central Washington's premier amateur radio club



JUNE 7-8-9, 2024  at the Dryden Gun Club.  Ham radio operators from around the region gather for a swap meet, food, and fun. See Tab on the left menu.

Field Day

June 24 - 25, 2024  

Special Olympics  MARCH 1-3 2024, .  Part of our service to the community.  Club members help out various venues with a focus on support for the Mission Ridge staff and supporting the staff from Seattle.  Click HERE   tvolunteer for one of many needed jobs.  Volunteers needed badly.

Yard Sale 

TBD   One of the club's yearly fundraisers.  Members donate items to be sold with the proceeds going to the club.  Dates vary.

Maker Faire

TBD  Town Toyota Center.  No info available at this time.

On-the Air Nets
Tuesday Nights at 8pm - the club holds a check-in net on the club 2 meter repeater, please join us if you can.

Monday Nights at 8pm - Various club members will meet on 28.375 MHz to chat roundtable style.  This frequency is open to all license classes and all are welcome.

Comm Support for Race Events.

Many are wondering "What's with all these 100 mile footraces, and why are Ham Radio operators always being asked to help?".  Well, here is the story of what happens at these races in some detail.  The wish is that once more Hams understand the scope of the task, the more they will be prone to help in this very important job. 

Jim K7MQV has crafted a great story explaining most everything.  CLICK  HERE  to see it.

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